In this creator, the player has ability to create their own adventures and share them to Sporepedia. There are also Robot Chicken adventures that are freely available under the Maxis name and must be downloaded via official Spore website, especially other adventures made by other adventures, despite they give minority captain points after the completion. Some of them can be instantly viewed right after installing the game, and some must be encountered and completed in the Space Stage from empire's assigned missions before showing up in the Sporepedia, depending on the empire's philosophy. Maxis has made sixteen different pre-made adventures. The textures and graphics are more complex with the Adventure creator. Creatures are then able to use social and offensive abilities on objects (e.g creatures, buildings, vehicles, etc), like that of the Creature Stage. One of its new features is the ability for the player's creature to beam down and move around the planet freely, as well as new missions assigned by empires in the Space Stage that require to use this ability.